[Image: By Yvette Molina, 2008; oil on 7″ convex aluminum disc. Via Johansson Projects].
Opening at Johansson Projects in Oakland this week is a show by artists Katy Stone and Yvette Molina “that considers the ephemeral thrills and underlying decrepitude of the natural world” – it is “a nature walk through a mysterious and delicate landscape, where organic beauty blossoms in the midst of slow decay.”
[Images: All works by Yvette Molina, 2008; all are oil on 7″ convex aluminum discs. Via Johansson Projects].
These gorgeous paintings here, using layers of oil paint and glazes, are all by Yvette Molina, depicting “hazy forest scapes.”
Reminds me a bit of Darren Waterston
Amazing! Thanks for the heads up.
Johannson Projects is one of the best galleries in Oakland. I almost always see something fascinating there. It is clustered with a number of others on the same block, including Ego Park and Rock Paper Scissors collective.
The first Friday night of each month is Oakland Art Murmur, when many galleries stay open later. The block at Johannson Projects is closed to traffic and hundreds of people show up to drift between them and mingle. It gets fairly crowded, and so isn’t the best time to get a good look at the work inside, but is quite an event itself.
This work is completely derivative of Darren Waterston’s work. Not OK.