[Images: An ingenious ad campaign by Y&R for preserving America’s National Parks: landscapes blueprinted, seeds diagrammed, arches shock-absorbed. Here are Delicate Arch (PDF), Yosemite Falls (PDF), and Giant Sequoia (PDF)].
(Thanks to Eric Jamieson for the tip!)
Elmer’s glue on Delicate Arch
An interesting article about the NPS’s old plans to spray a silicone epoxy on the weaker leg of Delicate Arch to help support it.
That wouldn’t have worked, I don’t think. But you can wrap things in special textiles and then epoxy the textile. That would do the trick.
Wrapped in fabric?
Christo meets Damian Hirst, perhaps:
“Rungwe Kingdon, co-owner of the Pangolin Editions foundry, said it was one of the biggest bronzes in the world. He told BBC News the statue would have been vulnerable to buckling at narrow points like the ankles, so a stainless steel structure (was) hidden inside to support the weight of the bronze.”
BBC News
Flickr photo
and the seemingly inevitable hostility:
New York magazine
This reminded me instantly of Roaring Springs water park in Boise, ID, which has a giant fiberglass replica of Delicate Arch.
It’s strange, too, because I can’t find a picture of it, even on Roaring Springs’ web site.
brilliant. They put some architectural drawings I’ve seen to shame.
Google sat photo of the arch here
Thank you for checking out our new public service campaign! For a free poster of one of these great ads, please email us at npca@npca.org
uh, not to quibble, but there’s a copy of Delicate Arch at Boondock’s Fun Center, just alongside I-15, south of Salt Lake City. there’s a picture in the Google cache of this SL Tribune article.
And don’t forget all those cell phone tower disguises, which look a lot like trees.
The tree one reminds me of a prose poem by W.S Merwin that describes painstakingly how to put a tree back together. I can’t recall the name of the poem but it has the same impact- exposes you to the total absurdity of truly re-creating much of what we see every day.
As the illustrator for the NPCA poster project, I find it very frustrating when you create and execute the design of a project, that Y&R and the NPCA take all credit away from you. Alan Daniels, illustrator of the NCPA posters—Beaudaiels.com