The New York Observer thinks BLDGBLOG is “adorable,” and that its author has taken to impersonating Brad Pitt on Archinect…
…but neither is true.
However, I will be playing Brad Pitt in an upcoming documentary about male virility. Watch for it.
Architectural Conjecture | Urban Speculation | Landscape Futures
The New York Observer thinks BLDGBLOG is “adorable,” and that its author has taken to impersonating Brad Pitt on Archinect…
…but neither is true.
However, I will be playing Brad Pitt in an upcoming documentary about male virility. Watch for it.
Assuredly the scurrilous villains at The Gutter are to blame!
Fantastic… all because of an aprils fool! Ohh… btw. keep us updated on the documentary about male virility
Well… an April Fool’s joke that didn’t actually start on April Fool’s, so… you tell me. Meanwhile, the documentary has lots of torso shots: prepare youself. Also, j.zen, in reference to an earlier comment of yours, you and I have also both posted the Euclidean agriculture image and some others. Does that mean you’re Brad Pitt’s stunt-double, perhaps…?
No… surely everyone knows I’m not the stunt double. I simply don’t have that Aura of Bradness.. such as yourself. And as you know there can be only one.
I’m so love with that euclidean agriculture image… but hey, that’s what you get from taking measures across the american landscape.
j.zen, have you seen this interview with David Maisel? Might be up your alley –
I had seen it on archinect’s frontpage, but since I’ve never heard of him – I didn’t check it out. But I’m also from europe – maybe that’s why? Browsing through the images, I’d say you’re spot on with the alley part! Thanks for the link… [reading in progress]
Let me know what you think –
Thanks for joining this important cause. I appreciate the help.
-Brad Pitt
Call me next time you’re in LA.
Thanks, Angelina. And, um, Brad.
Back again…. I enjoyed reading the article. Especially liked his views and thoughts on landscapes/art/photagraphy. Also good to hear his “stories” about how he uncovers and explore the project – and kinda get a scientific angle on things. I’m sure to dig deeper into his work, when I get some spare time. Thanks again for the link… I’m looking forward to your next article!